If you’ve ever travelled, I’m sure you’ve met cool people on the road. Well, if you’d want to meet them again, but at home too - both yours and theirs - then Couch Surfing may well be the place for you.
I was introduced to Couch Surfing quite recently, but I have to say it has proved really, really good fun. We’ve met really cool people every step of the way, from the UK to New Zealand, Turkey to Thailand, and every step of the way, home and abroad. You offer what you can, and what you get in return can surprise you every time. We’ve had a private performance from a singer songwriter, been cooked for by a professional chef, helped to make our own beer and shared a cake as our hosts 100th and 101st guests! And that is what Couch Surfing is all about.
Some people are, of course, worried about the possibilities of meeting unscrupulous or dangerous people through Couch Surfing, but through my experiences and the people I have met too, this is very rare. From all of them, there have been about 2 cases of unscrupulous people, neither involving myself. I may have met a couple of people I wouldn’t usually choose to spend time with, but even then they were good company. If you just use your common sense, you can stay out of any trouble, just like in the rest of life.
Why choose couch surfing, though, when there are other hospitality exchanges available? Simply, it comes down to numbers, and ease of use. While Hospitality Club can claim to be the first, set up in June 2000, it has a fraction of the members. Couch Surfing can boast almost 3.5 million members, while Hospitality Club can claim under half a million. There are of course others, but the largest of these, GlobalFreeLoaders, has attracted just over 50,000 members since 2005. The other benefit Couch Surfing gives is the comprehensive search function - allowing you to select hosts exactly to your preference.

CouchSurfing | The Hospitality Club